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Address: Badweg 40, 1976 BZ IJmuiden, Netherlands | Coordinates: 52.4551393, 4.5707609 | Open in Google Maps
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An overview of World War Two related sites nearby this location within a maximum radius of 150 kilometers.

Widerstandsnest 82, Marine FLAK Batterie Olmen - Festung IJmuiden, The Netherlands

Schnellbootbunker 2, Widerstandsnest 77 - Festung IJmuiden, The Netherlands

Fort Island IJmuiden - Guarding the water way to Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Marine FLAK Batterie Süd Ost, W.N. 92 with Walzkörpersperre, Festung IJmuiden - The Netherlands

Atlantic Wall, Stützpunkt gruppe Katwijk - the Netherlands

War Memorial for the Fallen Dutch Soldiers during May 1940 - Boskoop, The Netherlands

Lancaster Mk.1 W4960 in the Battle for the Ruhr - Sluipwijk, the Netherlands

David van Dam; The cousin of my granddad - Gouda, the Netherlands

Na de Grote Razzia - Rotterdamse scholieren voor dwangarbeid in Duitsland 1944-1945

Commonwealth War Graves, RAF 90 Sqdn - General Cemetery Montfoort, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Rotterdam Blitz, A City on Fire - Netherlands

Fortress Hook of Holland: W.N. 35 H – Staelduinse Bos, s-Gravenzande, Netherlands

Fortress Hook of Holland: Stp. XIX - Staelduinse Bos, s-Gravenzande, Netherlands

NMM - National Military Museum - Soesterberg Air Base Park, Netherlands

Fortress Hook of Holland: Artillery Stand Kormoran – Staelduinse Bos, s-Gravenzande, Netherlands

Memorial Garden of the Royal Netherlands Air Force - Soesterberg, the Netherlands

Memorial Square of the Royal Netherlands Air Force - Soesterberg, the Netherlands

Transit Warehouse 24 Rotterdam - a Jewish Memorial in the Netherlands

A Bailey Bridge along the Hoeksebaan - Hook of Holland, Netherlands

Marine Batterie Nord-mole: Het Jagershuis and the Water Supply Bunker - Hook of Holland, Netherlands

Stelling Den Oever - Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands

The Dutch Cavalry Museum - Amersfoort Netherlands

Battery Den Hoorn BP 19b Loosmansduin - Texel, the Netherlands

Camp Amersfoort - The Netherlands
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The Grave of Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein – Friedhof Dorfmark – Fallingbostel, Germany

Panzerkampfwagen II – Sd.Kfz. 121, With technical data on Ausf. A

Bergepanzer 38(t) – Sd.Kfz. 136 – German Armored Recovery Vehicle based on the Jagdpanzer 38(t) – Hetzer