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Address: 250 Frm de l'Orme, 02000 Chavignon, France | Coordinates: 49.4589676, 3.5236275 | Open in Google Maps
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Sites nearby
An overview of World War Two related sites nearby this location within a maximum radius of 150 kilometers.

Fuhrerhauptquartier Wolfsschlucht 2, Margival - Laffaux France

A World War One French Military Cemetery near Ambleny - France

The Armistice Museum - Rethondes, Compiègne, France

Fuhrerhauptquartier Wolfsschlucht 1, Brûly-De-Pesche, Couvin, Belgium

Chapelle du Maquis - Brûly-De-Pesche, Couvin, Belgium

French War Cemetery Dinant - Belgium

Douaumont Ossuary - Memorial on the Battle of Verdun - Fleury-devant-Douaumont, France