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Address: France | Coordinates: 51.0760088, 2.4912185 | Open in Google Maps
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An overview of World War Two related sites nearby this location within a maximum radius of 150 kilometers.

Military Cemetery Zuydcoote - Hauts-de-France, France

Fort des Dunes - Dunkirk France

Dunkirk Town Cemetery & Dunkirk Memorial - Hauts-de-France, France

Marine Küstenbatterie Tirpitz – Coastal Battery Tirpitz Altantic Wall Museum Raversijde Belgium

Infantry Stützpunkt Martha - Atlantic Wall Northern France

Battery Oye Plage - Atlantic Wall in France

Kraftwerk Nord West, V2 Rocket Bunker, Blockhaus d' Éperlecques – Watten, France

V1 Flying Bomb Ski Site - Launch and Storage Facility - Bois des Huit-Rues, Le Nieppe, France

La Kreule Military Cemetery - Hazebrouck France

Bayernwald WWI Trenches - Wijtschate, Ypres Salient, Belgium

Coastal Battery Waldam, a unique defender on the Atlantic Wall - France

Batterie Oldenburg: Heavy Defender on the Hellfire Corner - Calais, France

La Coupole V-2 museum - Helfaut-Wizernes, France

Stützpunkt 120a Sauerland – Wissant, France

Atlantic Wall bunkers on the Wissant beach, Nord-Pas-de-Calais - France

Stützpunkt 155 Tümmler, Ammunitions Bunker - Route-du-Cap, Audinghen, France

Musée du Mur de l'Atlantique - Battery Todt, Turm I - Audinghen, Cap Gris Nez, France

Batterie Todt - Turm II - Audinghen, Cap Gris Nez, France

Monument to the fallen of Oeselgem during the Battle of the Lye - Oeselgem, Belgium

The Battle of the Lys, Four-Fronts Bridge – Oeselgem, Belgium

Batterie Todt - Turm III - Audinghen, Cap Gris Nez, France

Tank Event Oeselgem, Four-Fronts Bridge – Oeselgem, Belgium

Stützpunkt 164a Sicklingen, Marine Küstenbatterie Waringzelle - Audinghen, France

Batterie Todt - Turm IV - Audinghen, Cap Gris Nez, France
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Joseph Goebbels House, Waldhof am Bogensee – Villa Bogensee North of Berlin – Bogensee, Germany

German WW2 Bunker Construction Progress Charts or Baufortschrittskarten

The Albert Speer house near the Fuhrer’s Eagles nest on the Obersalzberg – Berchtesgaden, Germany