Werk Valmorbia – Fortress Valmorbia – Alpine Wall – Valmorbia, Italy

Fortress Valmorbia, Italy

The last visits of my summer vacation are Werk (Fortress) Valmorbia and Werk Mattarello. We tried to visit Fortress Valmorbia first.

Fortress Valmorbia

Fortress Valmorbia lies in a beautiful green valley. Most of the Fortress is cut into the mountain which makes it hard to find.
We drove to the village of Valmorbia in the hope for road signs. Looking back, we found our moutain top. Unfortunately a huge crane towers above the rocks on top.

We turned and drove back and found the road leading to the Fortress. Again fences block the road, this time it is really sealed, I can’t get through.
This is, besides the Fortresses of Tenna, and Colle delle Benne, the 3rd fortress that is under construction. There is one mayor discovery, a huge billboard with an announcement that the place is really undergoing restorations. So they must be open for the public in the future. Check the internet if you want to visit it.

The fortress was built from 1906 to 1915 and is mostly cut out of the mountain. The rock is used as a natural protection.  It was armed with 10 cm and 15 cm guns which protected the valley below. The entrance to the fort is about halfway between the towns of Valmorbia and Pozzachio,Italy.

The message board telling about the restoration of Fort Valmorbia,Italy


We try to see the fortress in 2009 but it was under restauration. It seems to be open for public today. Check out the website vor more information.

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