War monument and Memorial Chapel, Lazise, Verona – Italy

War monument, Lazise, Italy

Spending most of last summer working and suffering from early holiday blues, me and my family couldn’t bear the thought of having to face the coming winter season without having one more boost of sunshine. So we decided to take a week off and try to catch the last sun rays somewhere in Europe. Following Patrick’s sunny reports from his vacation at Lago di Garda, Italy (he actually tricked his family into a WWI Fortification tour, poor souls..), we too decided to take our chances in Italy. And so we ended up sipping prosecco and lemonade in Peschiera del Garda.

First, let me explain to you that I would never drag my family somewhere they don’t want to go. Except when there are War monuments or memorials involved.

Visiting Lazise, Verona, I stumbled upon a War monument, beautifully situated on the boulevard overlooking the town marina and the lake.
As is normal throughout Italy, this monument is dedicated to both WWI and WWII soldiers, who died or went missing in combat. Usually a plaque of the victims of the second world war has been added to an existing monument of the Great War. This is also the case here, judging from the sculpture of the monument which depicts an Italian soldier wearing a WWI uniform.

View of the monument from the marina, Lazise, Verona, Italy
A view of the monument and the lake, Lazise, Verona, Italy
A detail of the sculpture, Lazise, Verona, Italy
A detail of the sculpture, Lazise, Verona, Italy
The added plaque with the names of the fallen in WWII, Lazise, Verona, Italy
Interesting design of the fence, Lazise, Verona, Italy
Another detail of a bronze helmet on the fence, Lazise, Verona, Italy
View of the monument from the entrance of the marina, Lazise, Verona, Italy

On the other side of the marina, at the Piazza Calderini stands the beautiful Hotel Albergo Gardesana with it’s sunny terasses in front inviting every passer by to enjoy a drink and watch the people stroll on the square. The hotel itself has a rich history that goes back 500 years and among it’s famous guests is Winston Churchill, although it’s not clear to me at what time he stayed there (and why).
The hotel is such an eyecatcher that you would almost miss two even more interesting things to see when you are here.

One of these things is a plaque on the corner of the buiding on the far left (when facing the hotel) walking towards the lake. The sign says: “Molo Ferruccio De Paoli, Martire Del Nazifascisti”. I have not looked into this yet, but it appears to be a memorial plaque commemorating someone who has died here.

The plaque on the corner of Hotel Gardanesa, Lazise, Verona, Italy

The other point of interest is a small but impressive chapel on the right of the hotel (3 Vicolo Santissima Trinità). It seems especially dedicated as a memorial for the fallen of Lazise in both World Wars and a place of reflection for Italian veterans. I can only speculate but I think this chapel too was first intended for the Great war at first, judging again from the sculpture (head of a soldier with WWI helmet) above the entrance, and that later the Second World War items were added.
To the left of the altar is a reliëf  stating the names of the fallen in WWII. Very interesting is the list at the top, which states the names of those who fought in the African theatre. Take a close look at the dates.
On the right side of the altar is a reliëf stating the names of victims of WWI.
The chapel looks well cared for and during my visit it hosted an exhibit of old local photographs of that time.

The reliëf commemorating the fallen of WWI, Lazise, Verona, Italy
The reliëf commemorating the fallen of WWII, Lazise, Verona, Italy
Remebering the nazi camps, Lazise, Verona, Italy
Inside the Chapel facing the altar, Lazise, Verona, Italy
The entrance to the Chapel, Lazise, Verona, Italy

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