This memorial commemorates the fallen of both World Wars and Algeria from the Jausiers region. 53 names on the pedestal are fallen from the Great War. On the East side of the monument six names are added at the base of fallen between 1939 and 1945 during World War Two. One name is added for the war in Algeria.

On the West side of the monument is a plaque commemorating the execution of Émile Meyran, François Imbert, Ferdinand Garcin and Émile Arnaud, four brigadiers and customs officers stationed at La Condamine-Châtelard. These men were executed by the Germans along the left bank of the Ubaye river after being arrested on suspicion of providing ammunition cartridges to the resistance on June 15th, 1944. A marble stele at the North entrance of Jausiers along the D900 marks the place where the bodies of the men were found.

You can visit this memorial along the D900 road going through Jausiers.