Uniform of Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring AKA Hermann Meier

Uniform of Hermann Göring with Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes Berlin (Eng. Grand Cross of the Iron Cross) – photo 2016

A uniform Reichmarschall Hermann Göring can be seen in the Military historical museum at the former airfield Berlin Gatow (2016). Hermann Göring supposedly have said before the Second World War that if even if one enemy plane would ever crosse the German border, he would be called Meier. A commonly used name at the time in Germany.

Even though it is disputable if he really had said this, according to German sources, due to the lack of evidence. The story is commonly known throughout (and after) the war and was mockingly used against him. It is also said that the citizens of Berlin called the air raid sirens “Meier Trumpets).
Ironically this uniform of Herman Göring is put on display with the words; “Mein name is Meier” (Eng. My name is Meyer) in front of a photo of the totally bombed out city center of Dresden. Dresden was destroyed and burned down after fire storms caused by a huge fleet of allied bombers in the last months of WW2.

Uniform of Hermann Göring with Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes Berlin (Eng. Grand Cross of the Iron Cross) – photo 2016
Uniform of Hermann Goering with Grand Cross of the Iron Cross medal – photo 2016
Uniform of Hermann Goering in Militärhistorisches Museum Flugplatz Berlin-Gatow – photo 2016

P.S. Reichsmarschall is the highest rank in the Wehrmacht, the German army. This rank was specially created for Hermann Göring in 1940. Hermann Göring was taken in captivity on the 9th of May in 1945 in Schloss Fischhorn, Austria, and was on trial in 1946 in courtroom 600 during the Nuremberg trails before he took his own life. (Hermann Göring is also written as Hermann Goering.)

Capture of Hermann Goering May 9 1945
A picture of Hermann Göringin his uniform on the day of his capture, May 9th 1945
Uniform of Hermann Göring with Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes Berlin (Eng. Grand Cross of the Iron Cross) – photo 2016
A uniform of Hermann Göring in Militärhistorisches Museum Flugplatz Berlin-Gatow – photo 2016
Hermann Goering on trial in Nurmemberg, courtroom 600 in 1946 - Raymond D'Addario - collections.ashmm
Hermann Goering on trial in Nurmemberg, courtroom 600 in 1946 – Raymond D’Addario – collections.ashmm

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