The Type 89 Grenade Launcher, Hachijuku shiki tekidantō, was a light, small Mortar made by the Taicho company. It was in Japanese service from 1929 until 1945 and it was widely used by the Japanese Imperial Army. The Japanese Army had three Type 89 in one platoon, it is the world’s most used infantry support weapon.
It was nicknamed “Knee Mortar” by Allied forces. They believed the launcher could be fired from a knee. This was erroneous, the heavy recoil could break bones.
The Type 89 Grenade Discharger could reach a distance of 180 meters and could launch high explosive, time delayed, smoke and incendiary shells. It only weighed 4,6 – 4.7 kilograms and was 61 cm long. When US soldiers heard the popping sound in the Pacific Theatre of War they knew they should take cover, very quickly.