General George S. Patton is arguably one of the most famous Allied Generals of World War Two, well known for his bold actions and aggressive style of leadership. You can visit Patton’s grave at the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial
Although Patton received mixed reviews about his abilities from his Allied colleagues, probably due to his flammable character, his adversaries held him in higher regard.
While Hitler mocked Patton as being “that crazy cowboy general”, most of his enemy counterparts including the German High Command both respected and feared his military abilities in battle, especially when it came to armored warfare.
At the end of the war German Generaloberst Alfred Jodl even described Patton as being the American version of German Tank General Heinz Guderian, who is said to have invented the “Blitzkrieg” (a form of mobile warfare).
Tank Experience

At the beginning of WW2, Patton was one of the few American commanders who had gained battle experience with armored tank warfare. During WW1 he had received training at the French Tank School, established the Light Tank School for the U.S. Army and then led his own 1st Provisional Tank Brigade into the Battle of Saint-Mihiel and later the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in support of US I Corps. During this last offensive Patton would be wounded and years later awarded with the Purple Heart for his actions.
After WW1 Patton pursued his interest in armored or mechanized warfare and helped to develop the American Armored strategy further in Washington D.C. This experience would prove very valuable in WW2 and give him an enormous advantage during the campaigns in North Africa, Sicily and the advance with the Third Army across France and the rest of Europe.
Patton’s best known achievements during the liberation of France are the Battle of Metz at the Moselle River during the Lorraine Campaign and the Battle of the Bulge where his Third Army fought its way to form a corridor to the besieged city of Bastogne defended by the surrounded U.S. 101st Airborne Division. Patton himself described the Battle of Bastogne as one of his biggest military achievements. After the war a monument was erected for Patton in Bastogne to honor this.
General Patton survived the war but sadly died of his injuries in hospital suffered during a car accident in Germany on December 21st 1945.
According to his own wishes, Patton was initially buried in one of the plot rows between the rest of the fallen servicemen in the center of this large cemetery. But the large number of visitors coming to visit the grave of this famous general caused a lot of damage to the site. So the grave commission decided to move his remains to the place where you can now find it, at the front of the cemetery.
As a four star General he is the only American soldier of this rank to be buried at an American Battle Monuments Cemetery (ABMC) abroad.

U.S. General George S. Patton is buried at the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial. You can visit his grave at this cemetery near Luxembourg City.
I thought that the U.S. government of 1945 would have buried this celebrated General Officer in Arlington National Cemetary, or another place of honor in the continental United States. I have learned that General Patton was An officer with “old school” beliefs, values and practices, which may have at times, been used to criticize him.
Among those values was a fierce and uncompromising loyalty to his country and to the U.S. Army; especially to the soldiers of the army who made the army what it was. Being buried with “his” U.S. Soldiers of the 3’rd Army that he commanded then is entirely appropriate based on his own values, it seems.
Perhaps General Patton would see this as a great honor, and even preferable to have being buried at Arlington, West Point, or elsewhere in the continental U.S. When the resurrection occurs, Patton will be found among his men that he led into battle, who had their lives taken from them in defense if our nation. These are heroes who will face their judgment with Almighty God, raised from their sleep in Luxembourg. Until then, may they sleep in death together in honor. Amen.
Amen to that. A crusty, profane, hard nosed man… I thank God he was in charge when his country called. Gen Patton was born to be a soldier and is buried exactly where he wanted/ needs to be. I have walked Normandy Cemetery and it is all hallowed ground.
We visited this cemetery and observed to location of his grave. But we noticed that the troops buried there ,well the names on the grave markers face away from General Patton… it’s as though the troops turned their backs on him…A show of disrespect to him….
No, rather, it seems as though they are all heading in the same direction.