The Big Street or “Große Straße” in Nuremberg, Germany

Walking on the Big Street looking towards the “Marching Field” Nuremberg, Germany

In front of the Congress hall starts the big street. With a planned length of 2 km it reached all the way towards the Märzfeld (Marching field). The road is 40 meters wide on the small end and 60 meters on the broad side, and is build from 60,000 black and gray granite slabs. The slabs were quarried by forced labour from various concentrations camps. Just 1.5 km of the road was finished.
The Große straße, The Big Street, was intended for Wehrmacht parades on the NSDAP rally days.

The road was, again, of Albert Speers design. Construction started in 1935 and ceased in 1939. It was never used for parades due to the outbreak of the Second World War, the last Nazi Party Rally was held in 1938.
After the war the road was used as airfield by the Allied forces.

Steps on the side of the Große straße or in English: the Big Street in Nuremberg

We parked our car in the middle of the Big Street, which is common practice these days. On the side of the Big Street you can still see the spectator’s steps.
Slowly nature is taking back what man doesn’t use anymore, trees are growing through the stones on the steps.

Decaying steps on the side of the Große straße, the Big Street

Visit the Große Straße in Nuremberg

It is in the public domain. You might want to check if there is something to do in the Messhalle (Trade Building) next to the Big Street, because it might be pretty crowded with cars if there is.

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