Stp Börsmose-Dorf
Stützpunkt Börsmose-Dorf was in use from 1943. This strong point lies 3,5 kilometres from the beach; it secured tactical important inland crossroads. The major bunkers were one combined command / personnel bunker, 4 personnel bunkers, a munition bunker and a strengthened water supply bunker. Smaller bunkers like Machine Gun emplacements – Tobruk, Flak emplacements and heavy mortar bunkers.

As part of the Atlantic Wall there would be bigger naval bunkers, at the coastline. But before they could be added to this Stutzpunkt the war ended.

Regelbau number as seen on the map (standard construction types)
607 Munition bunker
610 Command / personnel bunker – 2 officers and 21 men
622 Personnel bunker – 20 men each
675 Water supply bunker
Vf58c Tobruk – octagonal for machineguns
Vf69 Tobruk for an eight cm mortar
OB Open gun emplacement

This Stützpunkt lies on army exercise grounds but is open to public. The roads are sealed off when there are Danish cavalry manoeuvres or shooting exercises.