History and layout
Situated on the west side of the Nissum Fjord lies Stützpunkt Bjerghuse named after the Danish town nearby. Heeres Küstenbatterie 18./180 was the German designation for this strongpoint. This coastal battery was controlled by the German army (Heer) and had open gun positions until work started on bomb proof bunkers halfway 1944. A new plan was to build casemates for 19,4 cm guns further inland near Fjand, about 1,5 kilometers inland and 6 kilometers south west of the 12,2 cm Coastal Batterie.. At war’s end only one of the bigger guns was placed in its bunker.,
Two of the four 12,2cm guns should be placed in the regelbau 680 bunker, the other two in open positions. The R680 was a Schartenstand Für 7,5 cm Pak 40 ohne Nebenräume, a bunker with a flanking protection without extra rooms, only room for a 7,5 cm Anti-tank gun.A regelbau 668 was build close to the gun position and used with its Würzburg Riese in the last part of the war, the radar became active in May 1944..
A regelbau 666 bunker, an Infanteriebeobachtungsstand mit kleinst Glocke, Eng. An Infantry observation post with a small “metal” observation turret, was built in the dunes with a Tobruk stand and IS-Stand. The latter was a newly developed (1944) machine gun post.
H.K.B. 18./180 consisted of:
– Four 12,2 cm K390 (r) Russian guns
– Two 7.62 Pak (r), also Russian
– Two 2,2 cm Flak 38 anti-air guns
– Six 8,2 cm Granätwerfer / mortars
– Three 8,8 cm R.Pz.B. 54 Panzerschreck anti-tank guns (German bazooka)
– Multiple machineguns like the Mg 34 and MG 42
– 60 cm and 150 cm search lights
The bunkers at the beach are slowly decaying and showing off their beauty on the beach. The Infantry post in the dunes seems to slowly sink in the sand but is still clearly visible.