Stelling Kornwerderzand – Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands

Closing of the Afsluitdijk in 1931
Closing of the Afsluitdijk in 1931

When in 1921 the decision is made to build the ambitious “Afsluitdijk” (ENG: “Enclosure Dam”) between the towns of Den Oever (North Holland) and Zurich (Friesland) to separate the North Sea from the South Sea (which is since called “IJsselmeer”), the Dutch Ministry of Defense demanded that fortifications would be built along the dam to protect it from capture and also the so called “Fortress of Holland”, meaning the provinces of North and South Holland, which, in terms of war on the European continent, would be the last line of defense for the Dutch army.
The 32 kilometer long dam would also pose a serious risk for the important harbor of the Dutch Navy in Den Helder, while it would connect the mainland of the province of Friesland to North Holland and thus make it vulnerable for attacks from ground forces.

So during the construction of the massive 90 meters wide dam, a number of man made islands were created along the dam to form defense lines with armed fortifications.
The first two lines of defense were at the east side of the Afsluitdijk at “Stelling Kornwerderzand”, where a system of bunkers and trenches were constructed to protect the sluices of the dam. And at the west side of the dam “Stelling Den Oever” also consisted of two lines of defense fitted with a large number of bunkers. Den Oever was seen as the last line of defense for Fortress Holland.

Position Kornwerderzand

Position Kornwerderzand was constructed between 1931 and 1936 and consisted of two lines of defense with a total of 17 bunkers, of which 9 were placed in the first line. Most of these bunkers were MG stands and designed to withstand 210mm to 280mm caliber. The outer walls are 2.8 metres thick and the inner walls 1.5 metres. Extra concrete pillars were placed to enforce the construction against weakening in case of heavy artillery fire. Some of the MG bunkers have a parapet to protect additional MG positions outside of the bunker. Most of the bunkers were covered with 1 meter of soil.
From the beginning of September 1939, when the German Wehrmacht invaded Poland, the 21st Infantry Regiment under the command of Captain C.F.J Boers was permanently stationed at Stelling (Eng: position) Kornwerderzand. The regiment consisted of 7 officers, 25 non-commissioned officers and 193 corporals and soldiers.

Position Kornwerderzand troop inspection
Position Kornwerderzand troop inspection

German attack on Kornwerderzand

German cavalery en route to Kornwerderzand
German cavalry en route to Kornwerderzand

On the 12th of May the position was first attacked with MG fire and mortar fire by the German invaders. On 13 May they fired at the position with heavy artillery and at 18:00 the German 1st Cavalry Division charges the position but broke off the attack due to heavy resistance from Kornwerderzand.The day after they fire at the positions with heavy artillery again, but this time the artillery position on the IJsselmeerdijk is returned fire upon by the Dutch navy gunboat “Hr.Ms.Johan Maurits van Nassau” lying 18 kilometers off shore in the Waddenzee. It fires 98 shells and destroys all the artillery guns. The Wehrmacht is forced to retreat from this position.

Even after these attacks the bunkers show little sign of heavy damage and no casualties are made. The Dutch soldiers feel very confident and morale is high. But when the Germans threaten to bomb Rotterdam on the 14th of May, the Dutch Army High Command orders their surrender.  The soldiers are forced to hand over Kornwerderzand to the Wehrmacht.
Despite this, the German Luftwaffe bombs Rotterdam on 14 May around 13:30 in the afternoon.

Visit Position Kornwerderzand

Nowadays most of the original defense line can still be visited. Part of the defense line has been turned into a museum called Kazemattenmuseum Kornwerderzand, while the rest of it has been left to it’s destiny. In this article we will focus on the casemates that are situated outside the museum.

For more information about the casemates inside the Kazemattenmuseum Kornwerderzand, read the following article:

First Defense line

Casemate I Kornwerderzand

This casemate with multiple MG positions was placed at the farthest point north of the defense line (view map above for location). It lies very isolated and out into the open on a man made dam stretching north into the Waddenzee.

Casemate I lies very isolated on the north tip of Stelling Kornwerderzand
Casemate I lies very isolated on the north tip of Stelling Kornwerderzand
Bunker I with enforced parapet to protect outside MG positions
Casemate I with enforced parapet to protect her three outside MG positions – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
A view of the walkway behind the parapet wall of casemate I - Kornwerderzand, Aflsuitdijk, the Netherlands
A view of the walkway behind the parapet wall of casemate I – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
An outside MG position of casemate I - Kornwerderzand
An outside MG position of casemate I – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
Close up of the ammunition storage doors of casemate I Kornwerderzand
Close up of the steel ammunition storage doors of casemate I. The sea climate is slowly eating away the metal – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
A close up of the steel railing that has been fastened to the outer parapet wall of casemate I Kornwerderzand
A close up of a steel railing that has been fixed to the outer parapet wall of casemate I – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
A good view of the camouflage paintscheme of casemate I Kornwerderzand
A good view of the camouflage paint scheme on the wall of casemate I – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
Looks like a sewage system of some sort - Casemate I ,Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
Looks like a sewage system of some sort? – Casemate I ,Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands

Casemate II Kornwerderzand

Just like casemate VI, casemate II was armed with one 5 cm Siderius anti tank canon facing north-east. The casemate’s side with gun port is now largely covered with earth and the rest is covered with foliage. The armored cupola for observing is still clearly visible. At the back of the casemate on the outside are two toilet blocks.

Patrick walking past the observer cupola of casemate II Kornwerderzand
Patrick walking past the observer cupola of casemate II – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
The left entrance to casemate II - Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
The left bunker entrance to casemate II – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
One of the original 5cm 1/50 Siderius canons of Kornwerderzand
One of the original 5cm 1/50 Siderius canons of Kornwerderzand can still be seen in the Kazemattenmuseum Kornwerderzand

Casemate III Kornwerderzand

Casemate III was constructed as an underground aid station underneath the bridge control tower and building. It had a first aid room, a water reservoir, a machine room, an oil storage and power generator. The entrance to the bunker is still visible at the back of the building between both motorways.

A tiny glimpse of concrete belonging to casemate III - Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
A tiny glimpse of concrete belonging to casemate III underneath the bridge control tower – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands

Second defense line

Going across the sluices using the walkway on the left side of the road going west, you will reach the second defense line.

Casemate X

This MG casemate has been sealed off and completely covered in soil. The German camouflage scheme can vaguely be seen above the toilet blocks.

Casemate X Kornwerderzand the Netherlands
Casemate X – Kornwerderzand the Netherlands

Casemate XI

Hidden in the foliage southwest of the sluices is casemate XI. It is an MG stand aiming east at the area on the other side of the sluices. Most of the bunker has been covered with soil and foliage.

Casemate XI Stelling Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands
Casemate XI – Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands
View inside casemate XI
A view inside casemate XI – Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands

Casemate XIII

An MG casemate situated in the rear of the defense line is aiming south-west protecting potential threats coming from the IJsselmeer.

Casemate XIII – Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands

Casemate XV

Though originally an AA stand with storage for two canons, this casemate was designated as a first aid station in the cold war and an extra brick structure was added. On the roof you can see a concrete foothold for mirrors used to deflect the ray of a searchlight. This was done to diffuse the actual position of the search light and make it harder to put it out of action.

Casemate XV Kornwerderzand
Casemate XV – Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands
Casemate XV - Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands
A view of the mirror base of Casemate XV – Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands

Casemate XVI

This is a smaller MG casemate used to defend the small strip of dam stretching out north into the North Sea. The German camouflage painting is still visible. On top there is a hole for a periscope. The large concrete collar was put there to protect the casemates foundations.

Casemate XVI Kornwerderzand
Casemate XVI – Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands
Casemate XVI Kornwerderzand the Netherlands
Casemate XVI viewed from the side – Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands

Casemate XVII

This 17th casemate was not included in the original plan, which consisted of only 16 casemates. It was the last casemate built and served as a search light premise. Only the entrance is visible. The rest of the 8,5 by 18 metres large bunker are hidden under the soil. The structure is divided into the premises, a generator room and fuel storage. A chimney and two ventilation pipes can be found in the foliage between casemate XVII and XI, which come up from the generator room. The outer walls have a German camouflage painting scheme.


Casemate VXII - Stelling Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands
Casemate VXII – Stelling Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands
Chimney and ventilation pipes of casemate XVII - Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands
Chimney and ventilation pipes of casemate XVII – Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands
View into the chimney - casemate XVII, Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands
View into the chimney, looking at an exhaust of the generator maybe? – casemate XVII, Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands

Widerstandsnest 27a H – German additions in 1943

When the Wehrmacht took over Kornwerderzand in 1940, at first the position was used as a guard post for the Afsluitdijk. But in 1943, when the tide was turning for the Nazi war machine, the Wehrmacht again fully manned the position and updated the strength of Kornwerderzand by adding extra bunkers and gun emplacements. Kornwerderzand became part of “Stützpunktgruppe Harlingen” as Widerstandsnest 27a H.

German bunker Type 612 Schartenstand

Left of casemate II the Wehrmacht constructed a Type 612 Schartenstand, which was armed with an assault gun and had Dragon Teeth anti tank obstacles placed in front of it. It seems pretty logical why they did this. The Dutch design doesn’t seem to anticipate an attack from the Waddenzee behind casemates I and II, except for the defensive (outside) MG positions (see map lay-out of Kornwerderzand above). And if you look at the map further, the gap between casemates II and X is too big, so casemate X cannot provide sufficient cover in case of an attack from the sea. Of course, the German army had enough reasons to expect such an attack.

Bunker Type 612 facing the Waddenzee - Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
Bunker Type 612 (WN 27a H) facing the Waddenzee – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
The view from bunker type 612 facing the Waddenzee left of casemate II - Kornwerderzand
The view from bunker type 612 facing the Waddenzee left of casemate II – Kornwerderzand
Bunker type 612 seem from the Dragon Teeth Kornwerderzand
Bunker type 612 seem from the Dragon Teeth – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
View of the back entrance of this Type 612 Kornwerderzand
View of the back entrance of this Type 612 Kornwerderzand
Looks like an open gun position between the German type 612 bunker and casemate II Kornwerderzand
Looks like an open gun position between the German type 612 bunker and casemate II – Kornwerderzand

German bunker Type 667 Kleinschartenstand with Tobruk

In front of casemate XI and XVII the Wehrmacht constructed another Type 667 Kleinschartenstand, similar like the one in the Kazemattenmuseum and facing in the same direction as casemate XIII. Judging from the damage this bunker has been put out of action by the demolition crews. The bunker also has a Tobruk at the rear for extra protection.

German Bunker Type 612 Schartenstand Kornwerderzand
Demolished German bunker Type 667 Kleinschartenstand – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands
German Bunker Type 667 Kleinschartenstand Kornwerderzand
German Bunker Type 667 Kleinschartenstand seen from the rear with the tobruk on the right – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands

FLAK AA emplacement

On a hill next to the highway on the north side of the defense line near Casemate XII lies an open AA emplacement.

German FLAK emplacement
German FLAK emplacement near Casemate XII and the highway – Kornwerderzand, Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands

Hockerlinie or Dragon Teeth

A hundred meters further west on the north side of the dam is a “Hockerlinie” or “Dragon teeth” for anti tank purposes.

Dragon teeth Afsluitdijk Kornwerderzand
Dragon teeth on the Afsluitdijk – Kornwerderzand, the Netherlands
Dragon Teeth Afsluitdijk Kornwerderzand the Netherlands
Dragon Teeth on the Afsluitdijk dam – Kornwerderzand the Netherlands

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