The old chapel at Sennefriedhof Cemetery – Bielefeld, GermanyLayout Sennefriedhof Cemetery – Bielefeld, Germany
The Sennefriedhof in Bielefeld Germany is a large cemetery, you can drive your car up to the area you want to visit. On the map are markings where to find the plot of the bomb victims and politically persecuted – A, and the War Cemetery is at plot B.
Bombenopfer – Victims of Allied bombing raids
The Bombenopfer are the civilians killed in the Allied bombing raids. There are 467 named graves and 17 unidentified burials.
The ehrenfeld der politisch verfolgten, or field of honor for the politically persecuted, has a small memorial on the political dissenters who opposed and were killed in the times of NSDAP reign. There are 15 burials in this plot.
Politically persecuted on the Sennefriedhof Cemetery – BielefeldPolitically persecuted on the Sennefriedhof Cemetery – BielefeldPolitically persecuted on the Sennefriedhof Cemetery – BielefeldPolitically persecuted on the Sennefriedhof Cemetery – Bielefeld
War cemetery – Kriegsgräberstätte
The largest plot is the War Cemetery. Here lie 593 soldiers of which 306 named German soldiers from World War One and 287 German soldiers from World War Two.
War Cemetery Sennefriedhof – Bielefeld, GermanyWar Cemetery Sennefriedhof – Bielefeld, GermanyWorld War One headstones – Cemetery Sennefriedhof BielefeldWorld War One headstones – War Cemetery Sennefriedhof BielefeldWorld War One headstones – War Cemetery Sennefriedhof BielefeldSennefriedhof War Cemetery – Bielefeld, GermanyHeadstones from both World Wars – Cemetery Sennefriedhof – Bielefeld, GermanyWorld War Two headstones – Sennefriedhof War CemeteryWorld War Two headstones – War Cemetery Sennefriedhof BielefeldWorld War Two headstones – War Cemetery Sennefriedhof BielefeldMemorial Stone at the Sennefriedhof War Cemetery – Bielefeld, Germany
The Sennefriedhof Cemetery in Bielefeld is open all year during daytime hours