The 24KW Generator on the photo above is carried by a specialized trailer, a Sd. Ah. 104 – Sonderanhänger 104.
These specialized trailers were two single part, separated axles with suspension, a front and back end without being connected to each other. They could be separated from the object that they carried, and used under different types of loads. The photos are placed underr a 24 KW generator but it also can be used to carry the 150 cm FlaKscheinwerfer SW 34 searchlight, the 3,7 cm Flak 18, Kommandogerät (Eng. range finder) and other loads. The standardization in equipment made it possible to carry all kinds of stuff within a certain weight category and tow them to their designated location. On the photos is the Sd.Ah.104 but there are other types like the Sd. Ah. 204 etc, depending on the load they had to carry. More heavy or light, the system stays roughly the same, two separate axles which carry a payload for transport. The carriage of the Flak 18/36/37 – the 88 mm anti-air and anti-tank gun uses the same concept with the Sonderanhänger 201 or Sonderanhänger 202.
The Sd. Ah. 104 – Sonderanhänger 104 – weighed 1830 kilograms and could carry 2500 kilograms with an overall length of 6,5 meters.