Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep

This amphibious Jeep was named after its creator, Hans Trippel. During 1935 Hans Trippel started his work on amphibious vehicles. Initially, his amphibious cars were developed for civilian use, for expeditions or vacations. The German Wehrmacht got interested and ordered a military variant of the Trippel SG-6. The Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 had a top speed of 95 km/h on land and 14.5 km/h in the water.

Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep - photo 2014
Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep – photo 2014

The Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 was a competitor to the more widely known Volkswagen Typ 166 Schwimmwagen. The SG 6 was used by the German military for reconnaissance, transportation, and amphibious operations, particularly in areas where both land and water mobility were required.

The Trippel SG 6 was powered by a 6-cylinder gasoline engine producing 85 horsepower. The vehicle’s amphibious design was supported by its four-wheel drive system, and it featured a watertight body, allowing it to travel across rivers, lakes, and coastal waters.

The SG 6 could carry a crew of 4, with an additional payload capacity of around 500 kg (1,100 lbs). It was equipped with a foldable windshield and canvas top, providing protection against the elements. The vehicle’s armor was relatively light, designed to protect against small arms fire and shrapnel.

The Trippel SG 6 was not as widely produced or deployed as the VW Schwimmwagen but was still considered a valuable asset for specialized amphibious operations during the war.

Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep - photo 2014
Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep – photo 2014
Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep - photo 2014
Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep – photo 2014
Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep - photo 2014
Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep – photo 2014
Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep - photo 2014
Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep – photo 2014
Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep - photo 2014
Schwimmwagen Trippel SG 6 – German Amphibious Jeep – photo 2014

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