The Siegfried Line on a Railroad Crossing
Near Bocholtz on the German – Dutch border is a Panzersperre, or armor blockade. This Dragon teeth line is part of the Westwall or Siegfried line as the Allied named it. At this part of the Westwall the Hockerline (Dragon teeth) cross a railroad. There is evidence that the rail road could be closed off if necessary.
Bocholtz is a Dutch town, the railroad crossing in the Siegfriedline lies south east of it, near aachen. Bocholtz was liberated by the United States Army on 16 and 17 September 1944 during operation Market Garden.
Our photos are taken in 2011 at sunset with older camera’s but the panzersperre is still clearly visible.
The railroad crossong in the Westwall can be found near the border. It is an open terrain, we walked up the Siegfreidline and parked the car a bit further away. Be carefull though, it is still a railroad.