Memory Vrijheidsmuseum – Nijverdal, the Netherlands

The Memory Vrijheidsmuseum in Nijverdal tells the story of WW2 with a focus on the region of Overijssel. It has an interesting collection of WW2 items, guns and vehicles on display. The museum also has some nice dioramas displaying scene’s based upon the Battle of Bastogne, Operation Market Garden and the liberation of the Netherlands.

Memory Vrijheidsmuseum Nijverdal
Memory Vrijheidsmuseum Nijverdal

The Bombing of Nijverdal

The Museum building architecture itself is a reference to the Allied bombing of Nijverdal near the end of the war. On March 22nd 1945 Allied bombs hit the village killing 73 civilians. These bombs were actually meant for the nearby railroad and to dump redundant bombs the airplanes were carrying.
The building stands on one of the spots where the deadly bombs hit the village.

Memory Vrijheidsmuseum Nijverdal
Start of the War, the Soldiers are called to arms – Memory Vrijheidsmuseum Nijverdal
The Dutch Uniform in 1940 – Memory Vrijheidsmuseum Nijverdal
The German Wehrmacht is crossing the Dutch border – Memory Vrijheidsmuseum Nijverdal
2 cm Flak 38 in a Atlantic Wall Diorama
2 cm Flak 38 in a Atlantic Wall Diorama
German uniform
German Krim Shield
German reprisals against resistance fighters
Resistance commemoration crosses
Vickers M.18 Machinegun used by the Dutch Army
The Weaponry - Memory Vrijheidsmuseum Nijverdal
The Weaponry – Memory Vrijheidsmuseum Nijverdal
Bastogne diorama – Memory Vrijheidsmuseum Nijverdal
V-1 flying bomb – Fieseler Fi 103
A part of the launching ramp of the V-1 flying bomb – Fieseler Fi 103
Market Garden
Market Garden


Check out opening times and entree fees at the website of the museum:

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