Memorial for the Forced Laborers of U-boot Bunker ‘Valentin’ – Bremen Farge, Germany

Memorial Forced Laborers KZ-Farge
Memorial for the Forced Laborers of KZ-Farge who constructed U-Boot Bunker “Valentin”

This memorial called “Vernichtung durch Arbeit” (Eng: “annihilation through work”) commemorates the 10,000 prisoners of concentration camp “Farge”, which was a satellite camp of KZ-Neuengamme, who were put to work here between 1943 and 1945 for the construction of U-boot bunker “Valentin”. Most of these prisoners came from the Soviet Union, Poland and France. Thousands of them died during the construction due to the harsh conditions, maltreatment, malnourishment and disease and were buried in the mass graves of KZ-Farge. After the war these victims were re-buried at the Osterholzer Cemetery in the city of Bremen.

Memorial detail
Detail of the memorial for the Forced Laborers KZ-Farge who constructed Bunker Valentin
Information signs
Information about the memorial


You can find the memorial in front of U-Boot bunker Valentin in Bremen-Farge.

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