Manhay History 44 Museum – Grandmenil, Belgium

Manhay History 44 Museum
Manhay History 44 Museum facade

We visited this museum while we were en route to photograph the Panzer V Ausf. G “Panther” tank standing at the roundabout of the road N807 approaching Manhay. The museum is dedicated to the Battle of Grandmenil-Manhay that was fought between December 23rd 1944 and January 1945, and has various items on display originating from the battle.

Manhay History 44 Museum
Diorama of entrenched soldiers
Manhay History 44 Museum
American MP helmet
Manhay History 44 Museum
Army boots
Diorama of German officers mess
Diorama of German Aid Station
Diorama of German Aid Station


The museum’s facade gives the impression that it houses a large collection, but once inside it feels like it was built with an ambition to grow, but it does not have a collection big enough to fill the space yet. There are some nice diorama, although it is hard to make out what is original and what not. During our visit the texts for visitors were mostly in French.

For more information about opening hours and prices, visit the museum website.

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