On the beach to the North of Les Ecardines in Northern France there are some bunkers which belong to the KVA B – Hauptquartier/8 Kompanie/II Bataillon/Jägerregiment 36/18 Luftwaffenfelddivision. Also named Infantry Stützpunkt Martha. This strongpoint with 2 bunkers laying on the beach was part of the coastal defence and observation.

One of the bunkers on the beach is a Regelbau R120 observation bunker with a 21P7 metal cupola on top. It has three entrances and armoured close defence opening for a MG. A flanking wall lies next to it in the sand.
Next to the observation bunker is a Regelbau R630 type bunker. It housed a gun behind a big armoured plate.

The armament of Strongpoint Martha consisted of MG’s in the R630 (MG stand for Machine Gewehr – machine guns), a 5cm M19 mortar, a 5cm gun, a 3,7cm Anti Tank gun, a MG-cupola, 2 Mortars and 5 MG’s.
This heavily defended strongpoint housed the observation bunker of HKB Murane, as well as the headquarters of the 8th kompanie.

These bunkers, unlike Battery Waldam, Battery Oldeburg or Battery Oye Plage, are part of a Luftwaffe Field Division instead of the Kriegsmarine.
InfStp. Martha has eight bunkers in total. The other bunkers of this strongpoint can be found further up the dunes.