Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France

Infantery Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France
Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France

On the beach to the North of Les Ecardines in Northern France there are some bunkers which belong to the KVA B – Hauptquartier/8 Kompanie/II Bataillon/Jägerregiment 36/18 Luftwaffenfelddivision. Also named Infantry Stützpunkt Martha. This strongpoint with 2 bunkers laying on the beach was part of the coastal defence and observation.

Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France
Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France
Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France
Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France

One of the bunkers on the beach is a Regelbau R120 observation bunker with a 21P7 metal cupola on top. It has three entrances and armoured close defence opening for a MG. A flanking wall lies next to it in the sand.
Next to the observation bunker is a Regelbau R630 type bunker. It housed a gun behind a big armoured plate.

Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France
Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France
Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France
Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France

The armament of Strongpoint Martha consisted of MG’s in the R630 (MG stand for Machine Gewehr – machine guns), a 5cm M19 mortar, a 5cm gun, a 3,7cm Anti Tank gun, a MG-cupola, 2 Mortars and 5 MG’s.
This heavily defended strongpoint housed the observation bunker of HKB Murane, as well as the headquarters of the 8th kompanie.

Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France
Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France
Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France
Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France

These bunkers, unlike Battery Waldam, Battery Oldeburg or Battery Oye Plage, are part of a Luftwaffe Field Division instead of the Kriegsmarine.
InfStp. Martha has eight bunkers in total. The other bunkers of this strongpoint can be found further up the dunes.

Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France
Infantry Stützpunkt Martha – Atlantic Wall Northern France

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