Flakturm Type IV – A Hochbunker at Heiligengeistfeld – St. Pauli, Hamburg, Germany

In World War Two the German city of Hamburg was the epicenter of the U-Boat (submarine) and oil industries. This made the city an important target for Allied air raids.

Flakturm IV Hamburg
Flakturm IV Heiligengeistfeld St. Pauli Hamburg – photo 2011

During WW2

This enormous bunker located at the Feldstrasse, originally called Flakturm IV Type G, is one of the largest of this kind ever built. It was designed to give shelter to 18,000 people during the air raids and provide anti-air defense from its roof fitted with various Flak positions. It even had a special, extra-wide entrance for women with prams and children. During Allied air raids in the summer of 1943, the bunker gave shelter
The structure was built in 1942, using around a thousand forced laborers. The bunker measures 75 by 75 meters in width and 35 meters in height. Its walls are 3.5 meters thick, providing enough strength to withstand a direct hit. Other Flakturms of this version were built in Berlin and Vienna.

Originally every Flakturm Type G would be accompanied by a smaller Type L Hochbunker, of which G-Turm was the fighting stand (Ger: Gefechtsstand) and L-Turm the fire direction post (Ger: Leitstand). The L-Turm was demolished after the war.

Flakturm IV
Flakturm IV Heiligengeistfeld St. Pauli Hamburg – photo 2011
Flakturm IV St Pauli Hamburg
Flakturm IV Heiligengeistfeld St. Pauli Hamburg Detail of the Flak position on the roof – photo 2011
Flakturm IV St Pauli Hamburg
Flakturm IV Heiligengeistfeld St. Pauli Hamburg – photo 2011
Flakturm IV St Pauli Hamburg
Flakturm IV Heiligengeistfeld St. Pauli Hamburg detail of the Flak platform – photo 2011

At the end of WW2, Hamburg counted no less than 1,051 bunkers, more than any other city in Germany. Today, there are still some 650 bunkers left. In the Wilhelmsburg area you can find another Flakturm, which is a Type VI G.

The Flakturm IV today

Nowadays this massive bunker is a social and cultural epicenter. It houses a music store and school, shops and offices. It also has a nightclub and an excellent rooftop terrace for coffee and a beautiful view of the city. On the roof a large apartment complex and an urban garden are being constructed, which is not visible on these pictures dating from 2011. The tower is fully adapted to the needs of today and therefore there is little of the original structure to be seen on the inside. You can see how thick the walls are, because the concrete blocks that were cut away to make room for windows, are used around the parking lot. On the roof


Would you like to enjoy the view from the roof of the flakturm? Flakturm type IV in st. Pauli is freely admissive. Find out about the opening hours of the caterer, which has a terrace on the roof! Another tip: take the elevator.

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