Flak Batterie, Stützpunkt Lama – German Radar Position with Flak Support – Thyborøn, Denmark

View on Stützpunkt Lama – Stützpunktgruppe Thyborøn


Another part of Stützpunktgruppe Thyborøn in Denmark is the Radar Position at the north west side of the Danish town Thyborøn. This strongpoint is named Stützpunkt Lama. During World War Two in 1942 the German Luftwaffe established a radar station named Lama to the north of the German Army Coastal Batterie Thyborøn. Stützpunkt Lama was a Luftwaffe strongpoint with multiple radars of different kind together with a light anti-aircraft position.

Regelbau 621 – crew quarters for 10 men – Stützpunkt Lama
Regelbau 621 – Regelbau L241 and R622 in the back – Stützpunkt Lama
Second Regelbau 622 – crew quarters for 20 men – Stützpunkt Lama
FL241 Ugruko (Untergruppenkommandostand) Stützpunkt Lama – Stützpunktgruppe Thyborøn
FL241 Ugruko (Untergruppenkommandostand) Stützpunkt Lama – Stützpunktgruppe Thyborøn, Denmark
Regelbau 622 – crew quarters for 20 men – Stützpunkt Lama

Layout of Stützpunkt Lama with its Regelbau constructions

At Stützpunkt Lama different types of Regelbau type bunkers were constructed. The Regelbau 621 and 622 were bunkers used to house Luftwaffe personnel, 10 men in the R621, 20 men in the R622. There was a bunker with  a 5 cm KwK anti-tank gun a bunker for search light equipment etc. The Luftwaffe bunkers were designated with an “L”. The Regelbau L241 was a Flak Untergruppen Kommando stand, Ugruko for short and was used a command center for the radar and housed a radar on top. The L409A and the L411A were 3,7 cm Flak gun bunkers with a L412A bunker as a command center for the Flak positions.
At the north point is a VF bunker for sea mine control, from this small bunker the sea mines defending the harbor and strongpoints could be activated.

Regelbau L410A Flak bunker for 3,7 cm Flak gun – Stützpunkt Lama
Regelbau L410A Flak bunker for 3,7 cm Flak gun – Stützpunkt Lama
Regelbau L410A Flak bunker for 3,7 cm Flak gun – Stützpunkt Lama
Regelbau L410A Flak bunker for 3,7 cm Flak gun – Stützpunkt Lama

Types of radar used at Stützpunkt Lama

Different types of radar were used at Lama. There was early warning equipment, distance and height pin pointers and night fighter support.

1 x FuSE 65 – Würzburg-Riese (Werknummer R 19) – Radio transmitter-receiver device FuSE 65 with a range of 60-80 kilometers for searching distance and 50-60 km on bearing, in assistance of night fighter.
1 x FuSE 65 – Würzburg-Riese mit Gema Zusatz (Werknummer D 9) – The Gemma Zusatz seems the be the locator for the FuG 25a Erstling (firstborn), this apparatus differs friend from foe on the radar screen (IFF).
1 x FuMG 401C – Freya LZ (Werknummer 821/2265) – Named after the Norse goddess, early warning radar with a range of  max 160 kilometers, this type could detect altitude without help from a Wurzburg radar.
1 x FuMG Freya on a bunker – standard Freya radar with a 120 kilometer range, all the Freya’s have the IFF readers.
1 x FuMG 450 Freya A/N – Freya radar with a 120 kilometer range
2 x Y-Peiler – distance measuring device

Regelbau L409A Flak bunker for 3,7 cm Flak gun – Stützpunkt Lama
Regelbau VF Minenkontrolle – mine control bunker – Stützpunkt Lama
World War One Naval Gun and a Regelbau 622 – Stützpunkt Lama
Concealed Regelbau 621 personnel bunker – Stützpunkt Lama
Concealed Regelbau 621 personnel bunker – Stützpunkt Lama


Park in front of the Sea War museum at Kystcentervej 11, 7680 Thyborøn, Denmark and Stützpunkt Lama is all around you. Have a nice day at the beach and enjoy the museum and a coffee near the FL241 command bunker.

Map of Stützpunktgruppe Thyborøn in Denmark - LandmarkScout 2023
Map of Stützpunktgruppe Thyborøn in Denmark

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