Widerstandsnest 32, Einsatzstellung Bucht at St Ouen’s Bay – Jersey, United Kingdom

Combined Light mortar and machine gun stand - Einsatzstellung Bucht - Jersey, United Kingdom
Combined light mortar and machine gun stand – Einsatzstellung Bucht – Jersey, United Kingdom

Although this position was designated as an “Einsatzstellung”, the German military used a consecutive number system and designated this resistance nest “W32” – Widerstandsnest number 32. It is a small strongpoint between other, larger, defensive positions like Widerstandsnest High Tower to the North and Widerstandsnest Steps Punkt 43 to the South. The name “Einsatzstellung Bucht” means it was an operational position, so it was manned when needed and if not, there was a minimum of soldiers at the site.

The Einsatzstellung Bucht at St Ouen’s Bay had a combined Light mortar stand and a machine gun position. There was a Fa HWB position nearby. These Fa HWB (Heinrich-Wellblechen) constructions, were improvised structures in the field using round corrugated iron (Wellblech) elements. The “Heinrich” designation indicates the iron structure has a round shape (a “Siegfried” designation indicated a Gothic shape).


Easy to visit due to the car park nearby, open all day.

Location details

Watersplash N, Jersey

Watersplash N, Jersey