Concentration camp Bergen-Belsen – Germany

Room of Silence – Bergen-Belsen

In Bergen Belsen (After 1941: Stalag XI C/311) an estimated 50 to 70 thousand people were killed or perished under the dreadful circumstances. Knowing that, you’ll expect to find a dreadful place. But instead what you’ll find is a beautiful and serene forest meadow, with square shaped green hills.

The green hills are mass graves. They are marked with signs with little text. A large memorial wall stands at the far left to remember us of what happened here.

Documentation Center

To witness the terrible facts of what happened here, you will have to visit the extensive documentation centre. It has an impressive exhibition and tells a detailed story with lots of background information about the people that worked, died or somehow survived here.

Bergen Belsen entrance
Entrance to the visitor and documentation center – Bergen-Belsen
RAF Aerial photographs Bergen-Belsen
RAF Aerial photographs of Bergen-Belsen (13 September 1944)
Mass Grave
Mass Grave at Bergen-Belsen
Anne Frank Memorial Stone
Memorial stone for Margot Frank and Anne Frank at Bergen-Belsen
Memorial Wall
Bergen-Belsen Memorial wall.
Memorial Wall Bergen-Belsen
Detail of the writing on the memorial wall


For more information about Gedenkstätte Bergen-Belsen and the opening hours, visit the website:

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