The Bristol Fairchild Bolingbroke IVT, was a trainer aircraft based on the Bristol Blenheim Mk IV reconnaissance aircraft. The T stands for Trainer version. This is a small photo report, for more information on the aircraft please follow this link to the Bristol Blenheim Mk IV – Bolingbroke.
This Bristol Blenheim Bolingbroke was built under licence by Fairchild Aircraft Ltd in Quebec Canada. It has took on strength with serial number 9895 on the 9th of June 1942 and was added to the Royal Canadian Air Force – RCAF. After the war, 1946, it was sold to a farmer for parts before it ended up in the Royal Military Museum Brussels in 1971. She was restored with parts of the Bristol Bolingbroke with serial number 10038. The paint scheme represents a Bristol Blenheim L9416 / XD-A of the 139 RAF Squadron which crash landed near the Belgium town of Hoepertingen on the 12th of May 1940 while on a mission to Maastricht in the Netherlands. Seven men were lost during this mission.