Battery Oye Plage – Atlantic Wall in France

Battery Oye Plage France Fire Control
Battery Oye Plage France Fire Control

On one of our trips we drove through the remnants of Battery Oye Plage in France. At first we encountered a German ammunition bunker, Regelbau R134. It has oval armored doors, like the construction style of the West Wall, or Siegfried Line. The Battery was engulfed in thorn bushes but we managed to get some photos.

Battery Oye Plage France Ammunition bunker Regelbau R134
Battery Oye Plage France Ammunition bunker Regelbau R134
Battery Oye Plage France Ammunition bunker Regelbau R134
Battery Oye Plage France Ammunition bunker Regelbau R134

The Leitstand or Fire Control Tower is camouflaged as a church tower. The structure is tilting heavily due to a demolition attempt from the Allied Forces right after the Second World War.
The original two part armoured door is still visible in the Fire Control bunker.

The battery was under the command of MKB 204. MKB stands for Marineküstenbatterie, marine coastal battery, a section of the Kriegsmarine who controlled a part of the Atlantic Wall.

Battery Oye Plage - Fire Control bunker concealed as church
Battery Oye Plage – Fire Control bunker concealed as church
Battery Oye Plage - Fire Control bunker the two part armoured doors
Battery Oye Plage – Fire Control bunker the two part armoured doors
Battery Oye Plage - Fire Control bunker a inside view
Battery Oye Plage – Fire Control bunker a inside view

Battery Oye Plage is much bigger than these two objects.
With several M270 regelbau types which housed four 15cm TbsK C/36 guns, personnel bunkers and more. (See Battery Waldam for the size of the M270 bunkers)


You can find the ammunition storage and the Fire control bunker on Route des Dunes from Oye Plage to Grand Fort Philippe in Northern France.

Battery Oye Plage, an Anti Tank Wall near Route des Dunes
Battery Oye Plage, an Anti Tank Wall near Route des Dunes

On the same route, drive to the beach in the corner from Route des Dunes and Rue de la Mer to see this Anti Tank Wall with MG post.
50.99711, 2.0422

Warning sign at Battery Oye Plage
Warning sign at Battery Oye Plage

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